Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Thing # 20 - Special Treat

I watched the video: "The Machine is Us/ing Us", a crash course in Web2.0 created by a Digital Ethnography group of Kansas State University students. I was a bit surprised by the video. It was not what I had expected! They certainly made their point that technology changes the way we do things. Before personal computers digitization was just a dream for the average American. Now many people have access to the world as never before.
I especially liked the end when they state that digitization will make us rethink the way we govern, interact, and relate to others. It has already begun to turn the judicial system on its head with copyright, security, and privacy issues. The fact that these issues often cross national boundaries is yet another quandary we are finding ourselves in.
It reminded me of a book that I have read recently: Revolutionary Wealth by Alvin and Heidi Toffler. The Tofflers are futurists and in the book they give an overview what may happen in the years to come. Some of it is exciting and some of it is frightening. It's a good book to read if you are interested in where the world is headed next.

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